de Cor's Handmades - Malaysia Handmade Jewelry: Overwhelmed, Best Testimonial, ever.


Sunday, July 6, 2008

Overwhelmed, Best Testimonial, ever.

I am not sure if I have spoken to Wendy Sue, or knew her in person, I believe I don't. But Google Alert brought me a pleasant news today, I am totally overwhelmed.

Quote from Wendy:
I recently found the Malaysian Eni Oken in de Cor's Handmades. I think her work is just as amazing as Eni's. I think both of them are very talented wire jewellery artist. Their work are very original and decidedly theirs. Whilst Eni's style of work is more varied, de Cor's focuses mainly on the Chinese knot. I myself don't really know much about Chinese knot but my guess is that it's one of those common symbols within the Chinese culture. I believe I've seen that knot before in some Chinese culture ornaments. She adapted the technique onto wire wrapping and come up with magnificent pieces of jewellery. The technique is the same but the results are astoundingly varied. Very brilliant work she has there. She also has some tutorials on sale on her site in PDF format. I've yet to try out any of her tutorials
(time seems to be an issue for me here!) but will definitely do so in time to come and I'm looking forward to that day.

Wendy, if you are reading this, my name is Corra Liew. :)

Eni Oken is my teacher, I won't say she "was once my teacher.", because she still "is" my teacher. She taught me of the wire jewelry making basics, her tutorials furnished me with the fundamentals, I am glad that I started off wire jewelry making with her teaching. :)

Totally overwhelmed. I won't trade these with gold!


  1. Hi Corra,

    I didn't realized that Google has such alerts! LOL And I was even more surprised with this post!

    No, we haven't spoken before this. :)

    I was first introduced to wire jewellery last year through Eni Oken's site which I stumbled upon by chance in one of my random google searches on beading.

    I thought at that time, how nice would it be if there's someone like Eni in Malaysia because then, there'll be a 'guru' closer to home. LOL

    And guess what? I got to know about you through Ruby Fish's picture trail. It was her work which inspires me to pick up this art in the first place, but that's another story. ;)

    Totally love your work! Haven't actually got the opportunity to try out any of your tutorials(yet!). Can't wait to get my hands on one of them once I get my time management issue solved out.

    Jewellery making is still something new to me, although craft work isn't. Craft work has always been something I enjoyed doing, be it in any discipline.

    The funny thing about jewellery making is that the more you learn, the more you realized how little you know and it sort of prompts you to want to learn more.

    Keep the good work coming. Looking forward to your new pieces! =D

    Warmest regards,

  2. Dear Wendy, thanks so much for dropping by! It's good to see how our fellow citizen is slowly adopting the idea of making handmade product, I will visit your site to update in the future, I certainly would want to keep up with ya. :)

