de Cor's Handmades - Malaysia Handmade Jewelry: Random 6 things


Monday, August 4, 2008

Random 6 things

I've been tagged by Marjorie, and I supposed I'm gonna tell you 6 things about me.

Here are the rules:
1) Link to the person who tagged you
2) Post the rules on your blog (this is what you are now reading)
3) Write 6 random things about yourself (see below)
4) Tag 6 people at the end of your post and link to them
5) Let each person know they have been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.
6) Let the tagger know when your entry is up.

Here's the random 6 things about me (weird, it used to be just 5, no?)
1. I made Chinese Knot since primary (self taught).
2. I start making jewelry since December 2007.
3. I am easily satisfied, with the best.
4. I love technologies.
5. I love seeing things through my lens, though I am not a professional photographer.
6. I collects shawl/scarf of all kind.

Now here's the list of unfortunate dudes (Erin should be the first in list but too bad, she doesn't have a blog.):
1. Bobbi from MyWiredImagination
2. Mei from WireBliss
3. Marika
4. Pearl from Beadinggem
5. Heri from Heri's Jewels (You should check out all PIPA series, they are all awesome!)
6. Candice


  1. Thanks Corra for putting me in the tag, I feel so flatted.. I'm still nothing compare to other jewelry artist.. but you have made it..
    Thanks so much.. muah..

  2. Thanks for playing along with the tag, Corra! It was kind of fun, right??! I enjoyed reading your list. :-)

  3. Hi Corra, Thanks for the tag! As you can see from yesterday's post, I have tagged another six! Pearl
