de Cor's Handmades - Malaysia Handmade Jewelry: Wired Chinese Knot – Treasury Knot On Turquoise Donut, Pendant, Wire Jewelry


Saturday, June 26, 2010

Wired Chinese Knot – Treasury Knot On Turquoise Donut, Pendant, Wire Jewelry

Ursula had been my most, most wonderful customer that will never, ever gave up on my tutorial – I remember how she had wrote to me and asking me for guidance when she hits problems trying out Treasury Knot tutorial.
Let's do a little flash back. Treasury Knot is a name that I’ve given to this design when I finally turned Button Knot into wire jewelry form – my biggest achievement in year May 2009, and button knot is the most classic of Chinese Knot of all (also known as Japanese knot and Korean knot).
So Ursula wrote to me (thank you!), and asked me how to come about ironing out the challenges, she told me she had been trying and trying and her fingers are all sore and “broken”, that I had to beg her to stop practicing until her fingers recovered – I have been through that stage, and done that, I knew what is it like to have a sore fingers and yet the knot refused to turn out right. I knew that level of frustration. And so I told her she definitely need some break before she continues because 1. If her fingers are not in good shape they are not going to corporate and 2. If the knot can’t turn ouot right because she was tired it is very likely she is going to set aside the project and will never do it again. Just right before I thought she was going to give up she sent me these pictures. And many more after, of which I will slowly post. :)
So, in the end she got so good at it she is not only making what I’ve taught her, she start APPLYING. Now, applying techniques you have learned to your pierce to create a very design of your own is FABULOUS! That means Ursula had now reach the stage that she could freely apply this technique into any design at anytime she wants – just look at this Turquoise Donut, you think I will come up with an idea like that? I don’t think so, not just because I am more keen in inventing for something new, I am often blinded and limited by my very own designs – I encourage people to explore more of the opportunities, but I am often stuck with my own boundaries, partly because I try cutting down in checking out stuff out there so that I could invent.. guess that’s price to pay to stay pure and, for as much as I like, go being an internet police to see what who how have adopted my designs and not giving credit. I guess after awhile it became… well I don’t think I am being totally cynical, but just have to accept the way it is as today how everyone put themselves. I have to learn how to put myself too, and I understood how else expected me to carry myself and my brand, my design, whatever – ya know, but please when you do that, bear in mind that I am just another human being, could be like your sister, friend, or even a daughter.
Enough for this self-confession mini-rant. I know no body want to hear this, just like how nobody want to hear a celebrity cries.
So here’s some pictures I’ve put together awhile ago, in case you haven’t seen it. :)

Have a peaceful weekend, and I will see you again when I return from a short break.

Category: Wired Chinese Knot

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