de Cor's Handmades - Malaysia Handmade Jewelry: Wire Wrapped Jewelry


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Wire Wrapped Jewelry


I got this pretty stone from Tammy about 2 weeks ago and was then too occupied to post an entry for it. :)
I still don’t know what stone this is, perhaps you could tell!!!
So the ultimate request is – remove the stone from the frame (without having it scratched or chipped), and then transform this into a wire wrapped jewelry.

A very interesting knowledge I’ve gained though when I go search what wire wrapped jewelry really is all about, and I think the described key differences between wire wrap jewelry making with other approaches to make jewelry made sense, that wire wrapped jewelry is made of wires, and findings that made with wires too such as ear wires, jumprings – you can totally construct all these elements by shapping wires into the desired form or cut them into pieces to give you what you need to compose your design; and wire wrapped jewelry is made using mechanical connections between components or elements WITHOUT soldering or other heat treatments. :)

Now I know what is my core. I have a soldering gun since 2 years ago, I haven’t lighten it up not even once, though I would agree moving towards soldering would bring my whole jewelry making experiences into a complete new stage, but I still love what I do now – making everything by throwing out an “organic” challenges.

More pictures, and cookies (Dao-Sa-Pia) from Up North Malaysia, Penang. :) Thanks Tammy, I’ve finished them before I get to post this article, and I can’t finish them all, so I shared it with my colleagues that’s well known Dao-Sa-Pia lover. :)

And this is me with my cookies. Yum! :P

I want to design something slightly extra-ordinary, wish me luck, people. :)

Category: Wired Chinese Knot
Corra @ de Cor's Handmades


  1. GOOD LUCK!!! always support you! ^_^

  2. Yes, good luck and inspiration. If the stone is dark blue and has got lots of little sparkles/stars it could be a blue goldstone. Just a guess.

  3. You're right Galadryl - it's Goldstone :))
    Good luck with transforming this Corra!!

  4. Thanks Agnes! Muaks!

    Galadryl - *wink.

    Bobbi!!! Thanks - I shall let Tammy know soon!
