de Cor's Handmades - Malaysia Handmade Jewelry: Custom Book Publishing to Apple iBookStore


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Custom Book Publishing to Apple iBookStore



I have finally finalized a eBook Cover template for custom book publishing and listed this service in Etsy!


Like I said having a pretty, clean, timeless and presentable cover for your book is critical, why?

Because, when you are selling electronic products such as book or software that’s to be delivered or downloaded digitally over internet, without having a chance to convince or promote your product to your customers, according to research, you only have TWO seconds to secure your sale. Yes, nothing more than that golden TWO seconds, if you get their attention and at the same time delivered the message of what you are selling to them in that two seconds, chances are they would stop and flip your pages – to see your product descriptions or probably, check out who you are.


The cover design is the make or break of the deal, period.

Like I said in the previous blog post, that I have conducted an unofficial survey to gather feedback from people that’s in various area, including IT professionals that would spend their lunch hour surfing the net buying stuff from ecommerce website than going out for a social lunch), financial analyst whom get excited in seeing the bank notes and figures, COO and CEO of consulting firms which write and read proposals more than a highschool teacher marking student’s exam papers, a 3 years old that would only jump when he sees Barney the purple dinosaur...

And this is the most acceptable cover so far!

Who owns the copyright of the cover
By engaging this service you will be the sole copyright owner of the created cover(s).

How do I start:
1. Submit your original eBook cover image (or you might take this opportunity to change your eBook cover page)
2. Submit me your logo image
3. Wait for less than 24 hours
4. Finalize and confirm your cover design in within 3 revisions. (Check the sample covers I have shown in this listing)

THAT IS IT!!! You will be the owner of the cover image I have created for you, and you are free to use them for your eBOOK cover no matter where you publish it - Be it in Etsy, ArtFire, Smashwords and iBookStore(Apple).


Here’s some examples!!!

Special thanks to Anya and Gene for contributing Rosalie Ring picture LazziKittie picture respectively for demonstrations, they both now have the cover image (without the SAMPLE stamp) for their future usage. :)


And please, take a look at how my craft eBooks look like on iPad’s iBook shelves:


Lovely, isn’t it? :)

Hope to see your book on Apple soon!


Corra @ de Cor’s Handmades

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