de Cor's Handmades - Malaysia Handmade Jewelry: Prototype: Silver Lotus Earrings for Wedding, comments and input.


Monday, September 13, 2010

Prototype: Silver Lotus Earrings for Wedding, comments and input.

Silver Lotus Earring for wedding
The bride is a little concerned with it’s size. Hence I am conducting a survey for her. She asked if I could make the earring shorter, I don’t think so. I love it’s proportion. If I were to make it shorter, I will want to make it smaller as a whole, that said, each components will be made smaller in size, and then resembled exactly as it’s current ratio.
I’ve conducted survey on Jewelry Making Forum, Starving Artists Forum, Beading Forum and WWJ Yahoo Group - all are my most hang out places. I will be updating this blog post so you get to hear from what my artist friends have to say.
Comment # 1:
Hi Corra,
I am pretty new to the forum but I will give your request a try. I think the size is going to be fine.....if she is not going to wear a neck piece. As for the moonstone, is this going to be a inside or outside wedding? If it is outside then the moonstone will have the natural light to play off it and will probably really show nicely. But if it is going to be a inside wedding you might want to go with something that has a little more color as you mentioned on the page(garnet,amethyst) or depending on the colors she is using in her wedding or bouquet one of those colors. I think the lotus design is very unusual and will really stand out on the special day. Good luck!
Comment # 2:
Corra, I think they are beautiful the way they are but keep in mind that silver will be heavier.  Finer wire would be used to scale down the size a tiny bit. If the bride wants them smaller you might alsoconsider moveing the moonstone down to the top  of the lotus leaves and making the open leaf at the top smaller.  What kind of embroidery is on the dress? Pearls or rhinestones? 
You could also use pearls, if they are available, if she doesn't like the moonstone.
Hope she doesn't turn into a bridezilla who can't be happy no matter what you do.
Comment # 3:
Corra I think it's gorgeous! The size - by my aesthetics - is perfect for for bringing attention to her face and the beauty and sparkle up (if her gown has sparkle - if not it adds it)  if she is wearing her hair up and away from her face. If she's wearing her hair down.... the beauty of the earrings might get lost.
I love them as they are - but at this point, it's the brides call and you were already given wonderful ideas on scaling it down for her. Keep the moonstone!! Love it!!
Dana :o)
Comment # 4:
The earrings are exquisite and the photo of you modeling them is stunning - so soft and romantic. Earring size is a personal choice - nothing to do with the quality of the earring.
Comment # 5:
Beautiful earring. It doesn't look too big on you, but maybe she does want something smaller, or shorter. Hope you can work it out because the design is lovely ~ Skye
Comment # 6:
Length and size really are personal. It may LOOK just perfect to us, but it may feel "wrong" to her.
It is a truly stunning earring on a stunning lady in a stunning picture! ~ JBAcresJewelry Icon
Comment # 7:
Corra  that is stunning! personal I would not consider that to big at all. I am a very small lady and I would wear them they are Elegant! yummy ~ Lilly
Comment # 8:
I would wear them in a heartbeat, but I don't think they are 'overlarge' on somebody fine boned... ~ Inky
Comment # 9:
Stunning earrings Corra.
Even though they are large they are dainty at the same time, so no I would say they would be fine for someone with fine features. ~ Kim
Comment # 10:
Not too big at all. We went to a wedding recently where the bride had similar large earrings on and she was a small girl as well ~ Donna
Comment # 11:
These are gorgeous......and I am little as well, and I wouldnt hesitate in wearing them. ~ Nifty
Comment # 12:
They are gorgeous and I thi9nk any bride could get away with them.
Comment # 13:
OMG, it's beautiful! *I* think it's perfect, of course that's on you, and I have no problem with larger earrings...I also think people with short /almost no hair can wear dangles, even when they swear they can't. Can you design a smaller one? or the same design, without the outer petals (a teardrop style)? Some feel safer with smaller earrings. Is she going to have it up or down? If it's going to be down, another style might be better.
Gods, I look at your jewelry, and drool. I can't afford it, sadly...perhaps when I get out of the hospital, and can work again, I will set a few dollars aside, and until then, sit in my drool.
I can't do wire wrap yet. I discovered this group, and hope to learn (I can't even wirewrap a briolette yet). But your designs are what I would aspire to. Unique (even if mass-produced), quality, stunning, ... something that would be a classic and a staple in any jewelry box, and heirloom quality (did I add too many compliments there?).
I honestly think she has a great pair of earrings...but if you have time, you might try a couple of other designs of similar style, similar range, to give her an idea. If you are near, take pictures of her with them on, to show her how beautiful she can be with them.

(who shouldn't be typing at 4:30 am in a hospital! BUT!!! maybe I get to go home today!)
Comment # 14:
Hi Corra, the design, is just beautiful for wedding earrings.  I love the flow, the softness and feminine feel of the earrings.  I see where your customer might feel they are to long.  What I would do is make the ear wire so that the bend is right at the loop that joins the ear wire to the earring focal part.  This would raise the whole earring, maybe a 1/4 of an inch.  I've done this before on earrings, that some how or another just seem longish and not quite in proportion ... if I am making sense.
Hope this helps.
Moneca Ryane, MRdesigns
Comment # 15:
Hi Corra, and Everyone,
Like others I think all of your designs rock. Size of ear rings are a personal decision/preference. Given that most brides have a fancy up do and tend to wear gowns with exposed shoulders, I think the ear rings are perfect.
Ontario, Canada
Comment # 16:
Corra, the earrings are definitely beautiful. But I am in agreement with the bride. If she is not used to wearing dramatic, bold earrings, she very well may feel a bit awkward wearing these. I actually liked the design you made
before the lotus blossom part. Just the upper swirl. What is her every day personality? Is she fashion forward or modest and shy? Bride personality aside, I do really like your newest effort - very chic.
Betty J. Leeper
Texas Notary Public
Comment # 17:
Very pretty earrings...taking away the top portion if she wants them shorter/smaller would be a good design alteration...not losing the signature lotus portion. I don't think you could go alot smaller with the lotus potion otherwise you wouldn't know they were lotus'.  ~ Tiger Lily
Comment # 18:
I am a person who does not like big earrings. I am just over 5' tall and have short hair. My concern looking at these earrings it that they might get caught in a brides veil. I would think that the bride would like something smaller and a little understated instead of something she might be concerned about. The picture looks like there might be some beads or something raised on the front of the earring. This might be a concern due to how many people the bride will be hugging during the reception. I believe that unless you are already used to wearing earrings of this size that the thought of wearing them for a long period of time might be a concern. I can't wear long earrings for very long because they start to hurt my ears after about 45 minutes. It could be many concerns that she as the bride does not want to concern herself with on the most special day of her life.
With that said. I think they are beautiful and I think that the right person would choose them quickly if they saw them for sale.
Bergin's Jewelry
Comment # 19:
Personally, I love the whole design, was also very well made. Maybe just the bottom,middle part of the lotus could be reworked into a more modest earring. Good work :) ~ C Maria
Comment # 20:
Yes, definitely keep the whole design, just make it smaller. Taking any part away would ruin the feel of the design. It's gorgeous! ~ Kathy
Comment # 21:
I agree; keep the full design and proportion. Just make a smaller scale to match her preferences. BTW these are beautiful. ~ beedaisy
Comment # 22:
they are pretty . if her dress is more simple then i would think the size is perfect but if her dress is busy then i can see why she thinks they might be to big for her . ~ bangersisterbling
Comment # 23:
I think these are stunning, and I would wear them in an instant, but I don't think you will change her mind, my experience is that people have a perception of themselves, and these obviously feel too big for her. ~ Penny
Comment # 24:
Very pretty earrings...taking away the top portion if she wants them shorter/smaller would be a good design alteration...not losing the signature lotus portion. I don't think you could go alot smaller with the lotus potion otherwise you wouldn't know they were lotus'. ~ Tiger Lily
Comment # 25:
They are gorgeous, but they would feel too big for me - I love the look, but I would feel uncomfortable wearing them myself! ~ Cindy
Comment # 26:
They are beautiful. I agree with the others, make them smaller all over, it would be a pity to change the design! I love that picture, I wish I had a model like you. ~ Cat
Comment # 27:
I'm pretty much in agreement with everyone else; the earrings are stunning, but I can see how they'd be a little big for someone of a small body type. A smaller version of the same earrings would be great! ~ beadorigami
Comment # 28:
I think it is absolutely gorgeous and NO it is not too big. ~ Amber
Comment # 29:
They're gorgeous. I don't think they look too big with a simple chic hairstyle as you show them but, as others have said, earring size is very personal. Would she like them better if they were on a post finding so they don't hang as long? ~ Nancy
Comment # 30:
wow, those are amazing!!!
i love wearing beautiful earrings big like that, in fact, the ones i *censored* for my wedding where about that size.. but guess its a taste-thing.. if you cant use them, just send them over to me ;) the idea of the post finding sounds like a good solution though.. ~ Colla
Comment # 31:
They're beautiful, but if she feels they are too big, she probably won't change her mind.
I'd say either make a smaller version or eliminate the top part and leave the three petals. Nancy's suggestion of using posts is also a great idea.
Good luck!
Comment # 32:
The Lotus earrings are just beautiful!  If she thinks they are too big, maybe you could eliminate the top portion that is shaped like a teardrop.  That would shorten them and keep the pretty part.
All the best,
Comment # 33:
I love the earrings!!!  They are not too big, in my opinion... IF worn without a necklace.  If she plans to wear them with a necklace, that might be too much.  But alone they are wonderful.
Chris :D
Comment # 34:
Stunning and exquisite.  I imagine you aren't "on the large side" and neither am I and they don't look too large for me. We all have different ideas.  I'd think about only two leaves and without a lot of the length if absolutely necessary; but honestly, I can't see how to make these shorter without losing any of this design.  And a larger photo of these is wanted! ~ koolbraider
Comment # 35:
Corra, you have done it again. These earrings are wonderful. I do agree that if she wears her hair up with no necklace, the earrings will show better. It's bride call and I too hope she doesn't turn into a bridezilla. They can be so tedious!

That's all I've compiled thus far. Hope you too picked up something from these wonderful handmade wire jewelry artists.

Corra that does handmade wire jewelry

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