Wednesday, October 27, 2010
[Prototype] Wire Jewelry Malaysia – Silver WAU-Hoop Earrings, Version Three
Presenting Version three of Silver WAU-hoop earrings. Sorry for the delay, I have been down with cold and have been coughing my lung out for almost 6 days now, went for X-ray (yes you heard me right) and doctor said there are white dots around my lung, I saw the film too, it looks like a spider net, friend said it’s shows that my lung is infected, but good thing is doctor confirmed that there isn’t any abnormal growth. All these were due to the poor quality of air I am breathing in recently, lots of family members and friends fell ill due to our dear neighbor Indonesia burn their forest yet again – and if you don’t already know, this had been their yearly activity that had never failed to happen, usually it happens in mid of the year, although this year they had delayed it, but now we are still blanketed by smog from forests fire in Indonesia, Singapore didn’t escape this time.
Well back to WAU-Hoop Earrings version three, customer confirmed on this design (as I have expected), and I am going to break my silver to construct it as soon as I recover from my cough.
I have used 20ga, 18ga, 28ga and 30ga wires for this creation. Hope you enjoy viewing!
Corra @ de Cor’s Handmades
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