de Cor's Handmades - Malaysia Handmade Jewelry: Brother NV50: My First Sewing Experience


Friday, January 13, 2012

Brother NV50: My First Sewing Experience

I don't know where this came from - as in, the urge of picking up sewing skill. My initial thought was to make some headbands and that's about it, and then I bumped into a el-cheapo sewing machine being displayed in one of the hardware shop in shopping mall. Selling at RM138 or less. The sales representative did a demonstrations and the more he shown me what that little thing can do, the more I thought that's a crappy machine - but it did strike me that things has changed these days. My mum has 2 traditional Singer's sewing machines at home, one is hand-me-down from my father's mother, another one was from my mother's mother as wedding gift. I wouldn't touch neither of them, it's too scary for me to even think of operating them.

I didn't know sewing machines these days could be so... mobile, and intelligent.

So I did some research online - and holly crap, I felt like I'm so outdated with what's going on in fabric world! Then what happened next is - I received a sewing machine as gift, well you can call it as Christmas gift or New Year gift or just, pure gift, from Steven Cheok. I gotta give him the credit - I've never thought he would do that for me! It's like, it must have been the worst morning he ever had for this year. He buzzed me on Google Talk, and asked me what was I doing. I told him I am doing research on Sewing machine, and I was eye-ing on Brother's NV50. And then he said he would buy that for me as gift. I paused a while and go like, "what? You can't be serious! Are you serious?!"

Then he told me his grandfather's story (No, I am serious, it's literary, his grandfather's story). To cut it short, he is doing this for his grandfather - as a tribute to his grandfather (no I won't go into the details), and for the fact that none of his friends is doing this, and for the sake of his grandmother looking for someone to teach her sewing skills to....

So I brought this mate home after two weeks:
(Pardon my tiny workspace - this is where I create my jewelry, write my tutorials, proposal writing for my ex Day-Job, monthly accounts for, and everything else. I knew there isn't any room for a sewing machine, so the only way I could make this happen is, setup the sewing machine whenever I want to sew, and keep it back to the corner I've just "discovered" when I am done with it, everyday or night. I suppose there's a will there's a way. I am pretty happy with the arrangement. :)

I un-boxed my Brother NV50 tonight, to find that the machine doesn't come with thread. Fine then, I decided to take up Ashley's Sewing Tips from (I found this website via Google search, and it was a pleasant surprise that Ashley had wrote this entry when I needed some tips to begin with!), practice to sew a straight line on paper for start. I drew some lines on A4 paper, and then thought that may be I should use graph paper instead. So look ma, I was doing it, and one the 3rd attempt I set the speed to slightly faster, that's when I failed sewing on straight line. :P 

And my sewing on graph paper!
Viewing from far - quite neat, isn't it?

I thought of going back to Ashley's site to say thank you for the tips, so I went, and found out that she is raising fund to help support her dear friend's son, Dylan by offering her sewing patterns at discounted price, yes all of them, at USD$3 each. [All pictures below are copyrighted by Ashley @]

Extracted text from Ashley's blog:
Each pattern comes with instructions and detailed pictures for every step of the way (similar to my tutorials here on this blog) and pattern pieces that you can cut out.  Maybe you’ve been wanting to try a new pattern to test out your skills but didn’t want to spend too much if you’re still a beginner.  Well, now’s the chance to just give it a try.  And because it’s a computer file, you can save the file and print it out again in a year from now and not worry about losing the pattern.

($3.00 pattern sale ends Friday, 1/13/12, at midnight)

So check them out here…… I have bought them all 7 patterns for $3.00 each. (That’s more than 50% off for most patterns.) Sale ends Friday, 01/13/12, at midnight - though I know as a complete beginner, I wouldn't be able to make anything out from those patterns anytime soon. But I would love to have them for keepsake, for collection or whatever you call it, I would like to support especially Ashley had been such a great contributor to the crafting world.

Truly hope that you would do the same too - again please remember, the $3.00 pattern sale ends Friday, 1/13/12 @ midnight.

Hugs to ya all!

Corra @ de Cor's Handmades
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  1. Very nice sewing machine!

    I'm also looking for a new sewing/embroidery machine myself. I start sewing classes Feb 2nd, as it's been many years since the last time I've sewn (30+ yrs), and I need serious 'refresher' classes ;)


  2. This is nice.. i've been thinking of buying a this sewing machine to as they said this machine is suitable 4 those who has zero knowledge in sewing.... this thing's in my 2013 whishlist. hope's not too late
