de Cor's Handmades - Malaysia Handmade Jewelry: Testimonial: Celtic Knot Pendant


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Testimonial: Celtic Knot Pendant

Danielle Lewandowski from Bent & Twisted Creations first attempt on Celtic Knot Pendant Tutorial. :)
When she sent me this picture, I went "... ...", I was being polite.
Then she told me she was skyping with her girlfriend when she was constructing this Celtic Knot Pendant.

That's the "ah-ha" moment to me.

"You need to pay close attention when you do this project, it's not hard, just need to stay focus." I said.

Then Denielle told me she was going to give it another try. So she did. :)

Here's her second attempt:
Told ya it's not hard! I am happy to see the result, Danielle! :)

Corra @ de Cor's Handmades


  1. hehehe Busted! Thanks for posting both pix so I could redeem myself! ;) I've gotten sooooooooo many comments on my fan page from people asking about it and wanting it. Great piece for any time, but with Valentine's coming up, followed by Mother's Day not too far behind, these are great gift ideas to suggest to your clients as well. :)

