de Cor's Handmades - Malaysia Handmade Jewelry: Sihaya Designs Faery Wing Earrings


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Sihaya Designs Faery Wing Earrings

Sihaya Designs Faery Wing Earrings - Iridescent Magenta Glitter Wings - Fairy Wing Jewelry
Featured Artist: Christina Allen Page (a.k.a.) ShiyaDesigns

Iridescent Fairy Wings Collection.

It was a beautiful Monday and I was as usual, having a cuppa after feeding my 2.5 years old her breakfast while reading Etsy's trending, then the above picture caught my eyes. :)

Made of Swarovski Crystal, resin and sterling silver, this handmade item is made in Maryland, United States. Wings have a wonderful magenta pink glitter base, going with Opalescent white crystal color, size (from the tops of the earwires): Approximately 2 1/2".

The reason why I have decided to blog about this, was because I have received a great post engagement on my Fanpage in less than 24 hours, I am totally thrilled that people that reads my post find this interesting too. :)

Faery Wing Earrings - Fanpage Post Reach and Engagement

There are various composition of colors for this fairy wing earrings series, and I've picked some to post here for you to see, though you could hop over to SihayaDesign's site to find out more.

Sihaya Designs Faery Wing Earrings - Tam Lin - Iridescent Fairy Wing Jewelry

Sihaya Designs Faery Wing Earrings - Iridescent Copper Sunset Glitter Wings - Fairy Wing Jewelry

Sihaya Designs Faery Wing Earrings - Iridescent Spring Green Glitter Wings - Fairy Wing Jewelry

Sihaya Designs Faery Wing Earrings - Leanan Sidhe - Iridescent Fairy Wing Jewelry
I wonder how Christina manage to apply the resin so evenly on to the wire wing base... there must be a lot of attention and patience invested, to answer to this, I thought one of the feedback I have gotten (by Grace Morioka) from Facebook post could be pretty useful:

"I did this one about a year ago. Believe me, it's not easy... Toothpicks need to be used to get the resin into the tight spots. Hold the toothpick over the area where the resin needs to fill and then pour DOWN the toothpick. Even then, my butterflies were not nearly as pretty as these!!"

Hope you have fun viewing, and don't forget to pay SihayaDesigns a visit if you would like to bring one of these home! :)

Corra @ de Cor's

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