de Cor's Handmades - Malaysia Handmade Jewelry: Wired Chinese Knot: Knotted Oval Lace Earrings for Wedding, Prototype


Monday, August 16, 2010

Wired Chinese Knot: Knotted Oval Lace Earrings for Wedding, Prototype

Wired Chinese Knot, Oval Shape Earrings

Wired Chinese Knot, Oval Shape Earrings Wired Chinese Knot, Oval Shape Earrings

Wired Chinese Knot, Oval Shape Earrings Wired Chinese Knot, Oval Shape Earrings

Happy Monday all, a greeting from MALAYSIA!


This is a new design to add into my collection! I am wearing it so that the customer know how does it look like on human ear!

Wired Chinese Knots to deliver the lacey fancy effect, oval shape with sharp bottom, a little bit of wire weaving on top. This is a prototype piece for a soon-to-be bride in October 2010, the design is not finalized yet, I would definitely welcome constructive feedback!

Those pearls are in pink color, because this is for the evening session; I am fine with adorning this pair of earrings with white pearls too, her call. :)

P/S As I am posting these pictures I already worked out an improved version of it, also gathered some feedback, that said, check back soon for the improved version later, and check back again soon for the finalized (finger crossed) version. I want to try to achieve the goal by end of this week. :P

Corra @ de Cor’s Handmades

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